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Tuesday 28 June 2011

Taiyou no Uta [Movie Download]



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Kisah Pilu Sang Burung

1. Seekor burung betina terkapar di pelataran dengan kondisi tubuh yang parah.

2. Pasangan jantannya membawakan makanan kepada sang betina dengan kasih sayang dan haru.

3. Jantan sedang memberi makan kepadanya, tak lama kemudian sang betina mati terkulai. Sang jantan sangat terpukul dan berusaha mengangkatnya.

4. Sang burung jantan akhirnya menyadari bahwa pasangan yang dicintainya telah mati. Ia kemudian “menangis” di hadapan pujaannya yang telah terkapar mati kaku.

5. Sambil berdiri di samping tubuh sang burung betina, sang jantan kemudian “berteriak” dengan suara yang sangat menyedihkan.

6. Akhirnya sang burung jantan menyadari bahwa pasangan yang dicintainya telah meninggalkannya dan tak akan bisa hidup kembali bersamanya. Ia berdiri disamping tubuh sang betina dengan sedih dan duka yang mendalam.

7. Pasangan burung ini dikabarkan diambil fotonya di suatu wilayah di negara Republik Ukraina, saat burung jantan tersebut sedang berusaha menyelamatkan pasangan betinanya.
Jutaan orang di Amerika dan Eropa meneteskan air matanya setelah menyaksikan foto-foto ini.

Monday 27 June 2011

10 Hal Yang Membuat Orang Jepang Sukses

Sudah menjadi rahasia umum bahwa bangsa Jepang adalah pekerja keras. Rata-rata jam kerja pegawai di Jepang adalah 2450 jam/tahun, sangat tinggi dibandingkan dengan Amerika(1957 jam/tahun), Inggris (1911 jam/tahun), Jerman (1870 jam/tahun), dan Perancis (1680jam/tahun). Seorang pegawai di Jepang bisa menghasilkan sebuah mobil dalam 9 hari, sedangkan pegawai di negara lain memerlukan47 hari untuk membuat mobil yang bernilai sama. Seorang pekerja Jepang boleh dikatakan bisa melakukan pekerjaan yang biasanya dikerjakan oleh 5-6 orang. Pulang cepatadalah sesuatu yang boleh dikatakan “agak memalukan” di Jepang, dan menandakan bahwa pegawai tersebut termasuk “yang tidak dibutuhkan” oleh perusahaan.

Malu adalah budaya leluhur dan turun temurun bangsa Jepang. Harakiri (bunuh diri dengan menusukkan pisau ke perut) menjadi ritual sejak era samurai, yaitu ketika mereka kalah dan pertempuran. Masuk ke dunia modern, wacananya sedikit berubah ke fenomena “mengundurkan diri” bagi para pejabat(menteri, politikus, dsb) yang terlibat masalah korupsi atau merasa gagalmenjalankan tugasnya. Efek negatifnya mungkin adalah anak-anak SD, SMP yang kadang bunuh diri, karena nilainya jelekatau tidak naik kelas. Karena malu jugalah, orang Jepang lebih senangmemilih jalan memutar daripada mengganggu pengemudi di belakangnya dengan memotong jalur ditengah jalan. Mereka malu terhadap lingkungannya apabila mereka melanggar peraturan ataupun normayang sudah menjadi kesepakatan umum.

Orang Jepang memiliki semangat hidup hemat dalam keseharian. Sikap antikonsumerisme berlebihan ini nampak dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan. Di masa awal mulai kehidupan di Jepang, saya sempatterheran-heran dengan banyaknya orang Jepang ramai belanja di supermarketpada sekitar jam 19:30.Selidik punya selidik, ternyata sudah menjadi hal yang biasa bahwasupermarket di Jepang akan memotong harga sampai separuhnya pada waktu sekitar setengah jam sebelumtutup. Seperti diketahui bahwa Supermarket di Jepang rata-rata tutup pada pukul 20:00.

Loyalitas membuat sistem karir di sebuah perusahaan berjalan dan tertatadengan rapi. Sedikit berbeda dengan sistem di Amerika dan Eropa, sangat jarang orang Jepang yang berpindah-pindahpekerjaan. Mereka biasanya bertahan di satu atau dua perusahaan sampaipensiun. Ini mungkin implikasi dari Industri di Jepang yang kebanyakan hanya mau menerima fresh graduate, yang kemudian mereka latih dan didik sendiri sesuai dengan bidang garapan (corebusiness) perusahaan.

Jepang bukan bangsa penemu, tapi orang Jepang mempunyai kelebihan dalammeracik temuan orang dan kemudian memasarkannya dalam bentuk yang diminati oleh masyarakat. Menarik membaca kisah Akio Morita yang mengembangkan Sony Walkman yang melegenda itu. Cassete Tape tidak ditemukan oleh Sony,patennya dimiliki oleh perusahaan Phillip Electronics. Tapi yang berhasilmengembangkan dan membundling model portable sebagai sebuah produk yang booming selama puluhan tahun adalah AkioMorita, founder dan CEO Sony pada masa itu. Sampai tahun 1995, tercatatlebih dari 300 model walkman lahir dan jumlah total produksi mencapai 150 juta produk. Teknik perakitan kendaraan rodaempat juga bukan diciptakan orang Jepang, patennya dimiliki orang Amerika.Tapi ternyata Jepang dengan inovasinya bisa mengembangkan industri perakitan kendaraan yang lebih cepat dan murah.

Sejarah membuktikan bahwa Jepang termasuk bangsa yang tahan banting danpantang menyerah. Puluhan tahun dibawah kekaisaran Tokugawa yang menutup semua akses ke luar negeri, Jepang sangat tertinggal dalam teknologi. Ketika restorasi Meiji (meiji ishin) datang,bangsa Jepang cepat beradaptasi dan menjadi fast-learner. Kemiskinan sumber daya alam juga tidak membuat Jepangmenyerah. Tidak hanya menjadi pengimpor minyak bumi, batubara, biji besidan kayu, bahkan 85% sumber energi Jepang berasal dari negara lain termasuk Indonesia.

Kabarnya kalau Indonesia menghentikan pasokan minyak bumi, maka 30% wilayah Jepang akan gelap gulita. Rentetan bencanaterjadi di tahun 1945, dimulai dari bom atom di Hiroshima dan Nagasaki, disusul dengan kalah perangnya Jepang, dan ditambahi dengan adanya gempa bumi besar di Tokyo. Ternyata Jepang tidakhabis. Dalam beberapa tahun berikutnya Jepang sudah berhasil membangunindustri otomotif danbahkan juga kereta cepat (shinkansen) . Mungkin cukup menakjubkanbagaimana Matsushita Konosuke yang usahanya hancur dan hampir tersingkir dari bisnis peralatan elektronik di tahun 1945 masihmampu merangkak, mulai dari nol untuk membangun industri sehingga menjadikerajaan bisnis di era kekinian. Akio Morita juga awalnya menjadi tertawaan orang ketika menawarkan produk CasseteTapenya yang mungil ke berbagai negara lain. Tapi akhirnya melegenda dengan Sony Walkman-nya. Yang juga cukup unik bahwa ilmu dan teori dimana orang harus belajar dari kegagalan ini mulai diformulasikan di Jepang dengan nama shippaigaku (ilmu kegagalan).

Jangan kaget kalau anda datang ke Jepang dan masuk ke densha (kereta listrik), sebagian besar penumpangnya baik anak-anak maupun dewasa sedang membaca buku atau koran.Tidak peduli duduk atau berdiri, banyak yang memanfaatkan waktu di densha untuk membaca. Banyakpenerbit yang mulai membuat man-ga (komik bergambar) untuk materi-materi kurikulum sekolah baik SD, SMP maupun SMA.Pelajaran Sejarah, Biologi, Bahasa, dsb disajikan dengan menarik yangmembuat minat baca masyarakat semakin tinggi. Saya pernah membahas masalah komik pendidikan di blog ini. Budaya baca orang Jepang juga didukung oleh kecepatan dalam proses penerjemahanbuku-buku asing (bahasa inggris, perancis, jerman, dsb). Konon kabarnya legenda penerjemahanbuku-buku asing sudah dimulai pada tahun 1684, seiring dibangunnya institut penerjemahan dan terus berkembang sampai jaman modern. Biasanya terjemahan buku bahasa Jepang sudah tersedia dalam beberapa minggu sejak buku asingnya diterbitkan.

Budaya di Jepang tidak terlalu mengakomodasi kerja-kerja yang terlalubersifat individualistik.Termasuk klaim hasil pekerjaan, biasanya ditujukan untuk tim atau kelompoktersebut. Fenomena ini tidak hanya di dunia kerja, kondisi kampus dengan lab penelitiannya jugaseperti itu, mengerjakantugas mata kuliah biasanya juga dalam bentuk kelompok. Kerja dalamkelompok mungkin salah satukekuatan terbesar orang Jepang. Ada anekdot bahwa “1 orang professorJepang akan kalah dengan satuorang professor Amerika, hanya 10 orang professor Amerika tidak akan bisamengalahkan 10 orangprofessor Jepang yang berkelompok” . Musyawarah mufakat atau sering disebutdengan “rin-gi” adalah ritual dalam kelompok. Keputusan strategis harus dibicarakan dalam”rin-gi”.

Sejak usia dini anak-anak dilatih untuk mandiri. Irsyad, anak saya yangpaling gede sempatmerasakan masuk TK (Yochien) di Jepang. Dia harus membawa 3 tas besarberisi pakaian ganti, bento(bungkusan makan siang), sepatu ganti, buku-buku, handuk dan sebotol besarminuman yangmenggantung di lehernya. Di Yochien setiap anak dilatih untuk membawaperlengkapan sendiri, danbertanggung jawab terhadap barang miliknya sendiri. Lepas SMA dan masukbangku kuliah hampirsebagian besar tidak meminta biaya kepada orang tua. Teman-temenseangkatan saya dulu di SaitamaUniversity mengandalkan kerja part time untuk biaya sekolah dan kehidupansehari-hari. Kalaupunkehabisan uang, mereka “meminjam” uang ke orang tua yang itu nanti merekakembalikan di bulan berikutnya.

Perkembangan teknologi dan ekonomi, tidak membuat bangsa Jepang kehilangantradisi dan budayanya. Budaya perempuan yang sudah menikah untuk tidak bekerja masih ada danhidup sampai saat ini.Budaya minta maaf masih menjadi reflek orang Jepang. Kalau suatu hari andanaik sepeda di Jepangdan menabrak pejalan kaki , maka jangan kaget kalau yang kita tabrak malahyang minta maaf duluan. Sampai saat ini orang Jepang relatif menghindari berkata “tidak” untuk apabila mendapat tawaran dari orang lain. Jadi kita harus hati-hati dalam pergaulan dengan orangJepang karena “hai” belum tentu “ya” bagi orang Jepang.
Persaingan keras karena masuknya beras Thailand dan Amerika yang murah,tidak menyurutkan langkah pemerintah Jepang untuk melindungi para petaninya. Kabarnya tanah yangdijadikan lahan pertanian mendapatkan pengurangan pajak yang signifikan, termasuk beberapa insentiflain untuk orang-orang yang masih bertahan di dunia pertanian. Pertanian Jepang merupakan salahsatu yang tertinggi di dunia.Mungkin seperti itu 10 resep sukses yang bisa saya rangkumkan. BangsaIndonesia punya hampir semua resep orang Jepang diatas, hanya mungkin kita belum mengasahnya dengan baik. Di Jepang mahasiswa Indonesia termasuk yang unggul dan bahkan mengalahkan mahasiswa Jepang. Orang Indonesia juga memenangkan berbagai award berlevel internasional. Saya yakin ada faktor “non-teknis” yang membuatIndonesia agak terpuruk dalam teknologi dan ekonomi. Mari kita bersama mencari solusi untukberbagai permasalahan republik ini. Dan terakhir kita harus tetap mau belajar dan menerima kebaikan dari siapapun juga.

Thursday 23 June 2011


 Malem-malem saatnya bergeje ria, kali ini Boku mau ngepost semua hal tentang YUI...
Foto YUI:

Bagi yang belum tau nih Boku kasih Biodatanya...
Biodata YUI:
Nama: YUI
Nama Asli: Yui Yoshioka
Asal: Fukuoka, Japan
Tanggal Lahir: 26 Maret 1987
Tinggi: 155 cm
Gol Darah: AB
Bintang: Aries
Chinese Zodiac: Kelinci
Tinggi Badan: 155 cm
Hobi: Main gitar akustik, Nonton film, Membaca, Bulu tangkis
Tempat Favorit: pantai Shingu, Laut Niimiya
Boku pertama tau YUI dari OST Bleach yang Rolling Star and Life, Boku kagum banget coz suaranya itu loh... Yang satu (Rolling Star) lagunya agak nge'rock and yang satu lagi (Life) genrenya pop agak mellow.
Abis itu Boku cari-cari deh semua hal tentang YUI, mulai dari biografi, musik, video, semuanya deh. Dan parahnya pas Boku liat video Good Bye Days ternyata udah pernah Boku liat waktu masih SMP!

Boku sangat ngefans banget ama YUI, coz bukan cuma suaranya bagus tapi dia juga pinter maen instrumen (gitar & piano) plus dia juga mirip mantan Boku.

Yang gak kalah penting YUI juga bisa akting, Boku ampe nangis pas nonton film pertamanya yang berjudul Taiyou no Uta.

Suka salting Boku kalau ngomongin soal YUI, semoga Boku bisa pergi ke Jepang n ketemu ama YUI...^^

Album YUI

From Me To You:

Can't Buy My Love:

I Love Yesterday:

Holiday In The Sun:

My Short Story:

Kumpulan Album L'arc en Ciel (LARUKU)

DUNE (April 27, 1993)

01. Shutting from the sky
02. Voice
03. Taste of love
04. Entichers
05. Floods of tears
06. Dune
07. Be destined
08. Tsuioku no Joukei
09. As if in a dream
10. Ushinawareta Nagame

Tierra (July 14, 1994)
01. In the Air
02. All dead
03. Blame
04. Wind of gold
05. Blurry Eyes
06. Inner core
07. Nemuri ni Yosete
08. Kaze no Yukue
09. Hitomi ni Utsuru Mono
10. White Feathers

Heavenly (September 1, 1995)
01. Still I'm With You
02. Vivid Colors
03. and She Said
04. Garasu Dama
05. Secret Signs
06. C'est La Vie
07. Natsu no Yuuutsu
08. Cureless
09. Shizuka no Umi de
10. The Rain Leaves a Scar

True (December 12, 1996)
01. Fare Well
02. Caress of Venus
03. Round and Round
04. flower
05. 'good-morning Hide'
06. the Fourth Avenue Cafe
07. Lies and Truth 'True mix'
08. Kaze ni Kienaide 'True Mix'
09. I Wish 10. Dearest Love

HEART (February 25, 1998)
02. winter fall
03. Singin' in the Rain
04. Shout at the Devil
05. Niji (Album Version)
06. birth!
07. Promised Land
08. fate
09. milky way
10. Anata

ark (July 1, 1999)
01. forbidden lover
03. Driver's High
04. cradle
06. Larva
07. Butterfly's Sleep
08. Perfect Blue
09. Shinjitsu to Gensou to
10. What is love
11. Pieces [ark mix]

ray (July 1, 1999)
01. Shi no Hai
02. It's the end
04. Sell my Soul
05. snow drop [ray mix]
06. L'heure
07. kasou
08. Shinshoku ~lose control~
09. trick trick
10. Ibara no Namida
11. the silver shining

REAL (August 30, 2000)
01. get out from the shell -asian version-
04. bravery
06. finale
08. ROUTE 666
10. a silent letter

SMILE (March 31, 2004)
01. Kuchizuke
03. Lover Boy
04. Feeling Fine
05. Time goes on
06. Coming Closer
07. Eien
09. Hitomi no Juunin
10. Spirit dreams inside

DUNE 10th(April 21, 2004)
01. Shutting from the sky
02. Voice
03. Taste of love
04. Entichers
05. Floods of tears
06. Dune
07. Be destined
08. Tsuioku no joukei
09. As if in a dream
10. Ushinawareta nagame
11. Floods of tears (single version)
12. Yasouka
13. Yokan

AWAKE (June 22, 2005)
01. New World
03. Joujoushi
05. Killing Me
06. AS ONE
07. My Dear
09. Jiyuu he no Shoutai
10. Ophelia
11. Hoshizora
12. twinkle, twinkle

KISS (November 21, 2007)
02. Pretty girl
04. Sunadokei
05. spiral
08. Umibe
10. Link -KISS Mix-
11. Yuki no Ashiato
12. Hurry Xmas

Friday 10 June 2011

Dynasty Warrior 6 RIP Mediafire FULL [Game PC]

Dynasty Warriors 6 (真・三國無双5 Shin Sangoku Musō 5) is a hack and slash video game set in Ancient China, during a period called Three Kingdoms (around 200AD). This game is the sixth official installment in the Dynasty Warriors series, developed by Omega Force and published by Koei. The game was released on November 11, 2007 in Japan; the North American release was February 19, 2008 while the Europe release date was March 7, 2008. A version of the game was bundled with the 40GB PlayStation 3 in Japan.[8] Dynasty Warriors 6 was also released for Windows in July 2008.[9] Dynasty Warriors 6: Empires has been announced for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It was unveiled at the 2008 Tokyo Game Show.

Quoted from Wikipedia

System Requirements:
Minimum: Pentium® 4 1.6GHz, Windows XP/Vista, 512MB, 5GB or more of free space, 640×480 High Color enabled, 3D Accelerator with Hardware T&L and Pixel Shading supporting 128MB or more of VRAM, DirectX 9.0c+, DirectX 9.0c+ compliant, 16-bit stereo with 44KHz playback supported by Windows XP/Vista, keyboard

Recommended: Intel® Core™2Duo 2.4GHz, Windows XP/Vista, 512MB, 5GB or more of free space, 1280×720 True Color enabled, 16:9, 3D Accelerator with Hardware T&L and Pixel Shading supporting 128MB or more of VRAM, DirectX 9.0c+, DirectX 9.0c+, DirectX 9.0c+ compliant, 16-bit stereo with 44KHz playback supported by Windows XP/Vista, DirectX 9.0 compatible, 12-button gamepad


Thursday 9 June 2011

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5

The package CorelDRAW Graphics Suite organized a high degree of compatibility of the widely used formats, including Adobe Illustrator, PhotoShop, Corel Paint Shop Pro, Microsoft Office, JPEG and PDF.
This version correctly saves files in previous versions. Cdr, the very same store files in a format cdr X5 beta version is not recommended.
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 is perfect for the following audiences:

Specialists in design,
Professionals in the field of applied design,
Small businesses
Students and teachers
Employees of government agencies and commercial organizations.

CorelDRAW also includes several new drawing tools and improvements to current tools :

B-Spline tool which makes drawing curved lines easier.
Intelligent lines which helps you draw perpendicular or tangent connecting lines between objects.
Rounded corners have been enhanced to make rounded-corner shapes more scalable.
Artistic media tools have been updated for pressure sensitive effects.
The Mesh fill tool has been improved to provide better color transitions.
A new Document palette records every color used in the design, making it easier to use the same colors in another design.
A pixel preview option in CorelDRAW lets you see exactly how a design will look when output to bitmap formats.
Improvements to Export for Web dialog.
Eyedroppers in more places with RGB value previews for easier colors sampling.



Resident Evil 4 [PC Game Free Full]

Resident Evil 4, known in Japan as Biohazard 4 (バイオハザード4 Baiohazādo Fō), is a survival horror third-person shooter video game developed by Capcom Production Studio 4 and published by multiple publishers, including Capcom, Ubisoft, Nintendo Australia, Red Ant Enterprises and THQ Asia Pacific. The game was originally released on January 11, 2005 in North America, and on January 27 in Japan.

First hinted at in early December 1999, Resident Evil 4 underwent a long development time during which four proposed versions of the game were discarded. Initially developed for the PlayStation 2, the first attempt was directed by Hideki Kamiya after producer Shinji Mikami requested him to create a new entry in the Resident Evil series. Nevertheless, it was decided to start development over again. The game was intended to be a Nintendo GameCube exclusive, but a PlayStation 2 version was announced before the game was released for the GameCube. Resident Evil 4 was subsequently released in full for PC (Microsoft Windows) and Wii, and in heavily condensed versions for other platforms, including the iOS, Mobile phones, and Zeebo.

Resident Evil 4 garnered universal critical acclaim, averaging a score of 96 on Metacritic. It has received stellar reviews from various video game magazines and websites. The game was considered by most critics as a top contender for 2005's Game of the Year, and was seen as a successful crossover hit; the new gameplay alterations and immersive style appealed to many not previously familiar with the series.


The player controls Leon S. Kennedy from a third-person, over-the-shoulder perspective during a mission to rescue the daughter of the President of the United States, Ashley Graham. The gameplay focuses on action and shootouts involving crowds of enemies in large open areas. The camera is focused behind Leon, and it zooms in for an over-the-shoulder view when aiming a weapon. The addition of a laser sight adds a new depth to the aiming, allowing the player to aim in various directions and easily change their placement at any time. Bullets now affect the enemies specifically where they are shot: shots to the feet can cause enemies to stumble, while shots to the arms can cause them to drop their weapons.
Another new aspect of Resident Evil 4 is the inclusion of context-sensitive controls. Based on the situation, the player can interact with aspects of their environment: kicking down a ladder, jumping out of a window, or dodging an enemy attack. There are also dynamic cut scenes, in which the player must press buttons indicated on-screen to execute actions such as dodging a falling boulder or wrestling an enemy to stay alive. These are often incorporated into the game's many boss battles, where the player must avoid one-hit kill attacks. The Wii version expanded on this concept slightly by including a quick Wii Remote shake as a possible context sensitive action.

The main enemies are parasitically-controlled humans referred to as Los Ganados ("The Cattle" in Spanish). Significantly smarter and quicker than the zombies from previous games, Ganados are a very different sort of foe. These new enemies dodge, wield melee and projectile weapons, and are capable of working collectively and communicating with each other. Once simple farmers, these Ganados are the product of an infestation of Las Plagas ("The Plague" in Spanish).

The inventory system of the game features a grid system, represented by an attache case, that has each item take up a certain number of spaces. The case can be upgraded several times, allowing for more space. Weapons, ammunition and healing items are kept in the case, while key items are kept in a separate menu. Items may be bought from and sold to a wandering merchant that appears in various locations throughout the game. He sells first aid sprays, weapons, allows for weapons to be upgraded and buys various treasures that Leon finds. The various weapons each have their own advantages and disadvantages. One major goal for the game design was to increase weapon diversity to improve player freedom and gameplay depth.
Capcom added new content made specifically for the PlayStation 2, which was later incorporated into the PC and Wii releases. The largest addition is "Separate Ways", a minigame which revolves around Ada Wong's involvement in Resident Evil 4 and her connection to Albert Wesker, a former member of STARS, who is now attempting to revive Umbrella. "Ada's Report", a five-part documentary, analyzes Ada's relationship with Wesker and his role in the plot. Other unlockable content in all versions included the minigame "The Mercenaries", "Assignment Ada", a small minigame using Ada to retrieve plaga samples, new costumes for Leon and Ashley, new unlockable weapons and a Movie Browser.

Quoted from Wikipedia

Download Part 1
Download Part 2
Download Part 3
Download Part 4

Password : ariablackmore

Crime Life: Gang Wars PC Game

Crime Life: Gang Wars PC Game | Mediafire
Genre: Action, Stretagy
Upload: Mediafire
Size: 800MB


Password : raja

BitDefender Internet Security 2010 13.0

BitDefender Internet Security 2010 13.0 is a tool that has the function to protect your computer / notebook from the threats we are not responsible parties, such as viruses, hackers and spam, while we make the internet connection (browsing).
Key features of BitDefender Internet Security 2010 :

Confidently download, share and open files from friends, family, co-workers - and even total strangers :

Protects against viruses and other malware using industry-leading technologyNEW
Scans all Web, e-mail and instant messaging traffic in real-time
Provides an unmatched detection rate of new threats based on two different proactive technologies
Blocks spyware programs that track your online activities

Protect your identity: shop, bank, listen and watch, privately and securely:

Blocks web pages that attempt to steal your credit card data
Prevents personal information from leaking via e-mail, Web or instant messagingNEW

Guard your files and conversations with top-of-the line encryption:

Instant Messaging Encryption keeps your conversations private on Yahoo! and MSN Messenger
File Vault securely stores personal information or sensitive files

Connect securely to any network at home, at the office, or away:

The two-way firewall automatically secures your Internet connection wherever you are
Wi-Fi monitor helps prevent unauthorized access to your Wi-Fi network

Protect your family and their computers:

Parental Control blocks access to inappropriate websites and e-mail
Limits kids’ access the Internet, games, etc. to specific times
Makes it easy for you to manage the security of your network from a single location

Play safely, play seamlessly:

Reduces the system load and avoids requesting user
interaction during game play

Get fine-tuned performance from your computer:

Optimized scanning technology skips safe files for better scan speed and lower system load
Antispam stops unwanted e-mail from reaching your Inbox
Laptop Mode prolongs battery life

Let professionals solve any security issues:

Assistance with common issues built directly into the product
Free technical support for the entire duration of the product license

Quoted from Wikipedia

Download Via Rapidshare

Avira Antivir Personal 10 Free Edition

Avira AntiVir Personal is for personal use only and free of charge. Like most antivirus software, it scans disks for malware and also runs as a background process, checking each opened and closed file. It can detect and possibly remove rootkits.[4] It also performs Internet updates (daily by default) in which it opens a window, with an advertisement suggesting that the user purchase Avira AntiVir Premium or Avira Premium Security Suite. Avira updated all its products to version 10.0 in March 2010.

Avira offers a bootable rescue CD to users who have installed paid versions of Avira products, irrespective of the machine's operating system[5]. This CD contains its own bootable Linux-based operating system and the AntiVir program with its latest virus database. If a computer cannot be booted, the CD may be used to boot the machine into the AntiVir program, then to scan for and remove detectable viruses and other malware, thereby possibly restoring normal boot and operation.[6]

Avira AntiVir Premium has several improvements over the free version, including:

Email scanning (POP3 and SMTP)[4]
WebGuard to block access to malicious sites[4]

Avira AntiVir Premium Security Suite has some more improvements over both versions, including:

Anti Spam for E-mail
Firewall blocks hackers
Backup System to protect and secure important data[4]
AntiBot prevents dangerous botnets from taking over your system[4]
Parental Controls blocks unsuitable websites for Children and Teens[4]

Quoted from Wikipedia

Download for Windows : 40,32 MB

Download for Linux : 54,46 MB

Sunday 5 June 2011

Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Design Premium ESD Full

Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Design Premium ESD - ISO | 3.60 GB
Adobe ® Creative Suite ® 5.5 Design Premium is the primary toolkit for designing eye-catching print content, digital magazines in-depth and enterprise publications1, eBooks elegant, dynamic PDF files, web sites based on the standard HTML5/CSS3, and interactive content that displays consistently across the display of virtually any size. Adobe ® Creative Suite ® 5.5 Design Premium software is the main toolkit for designing eye-catching print

Aplikasi dalam Paket :
Photoshop® CS5 Extended ® Photoshop CS5 Extended
Illustrator® CS5 CS5 Illustrator ®
InDesign® CS5.5 CS5.5 InDesign ®
Dreamweaver® CS5.5 Dreamweaver CS5.5 ®
Flash® Professional CS5.5 Flash ® Professional CS5.5
Flash Catalyst® CS5.5 Catalyst ® Flash CS5.5
Fireworks® CS5 CS5 Fireworks ®
Acrobat® X Pro Acrobat Pro ® X
Bridge CS5 Jembatan CS5
Device Central CS5.5 CS5.5 Device Central

Terintegrasi dengan:
CS Live online services1, 2

The minimum system requirements:
* Pentium ® 4 or AMD Athlon ® 64 processor
* Microsoft ® Windows ® XP Service Pack 3, Windows Vista ® Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise Service Pack 1 (recommended Service Pack 2); or Microsoft ® Windows 7
* 1GB of RAM or more recommended
* 9.3GB of available hard-disk space for installation, additional space is needed During installation (can not install on flash-based storage device that can be removed)
* 1280 × 800 screen with high quality graphics card hardware-accelerated OpenGL, 16-bit color, and VRAMBeberapa 256MB GPU-accelerated features require graphics support for Shader Model 3.0 and OpenGL 2.0
* Some features in Adobe Bridge Depending on your graphics card is DirectX 9-capable with at least 64MB of VRAM
* dual-layer DVD
* JavaT Runtime Environment 1.5 (32 bit) or 1.6
* QuickTime 7.6.2 software required for multimedia features
* Adobe Flash ® Player 10 software required to export SWF files
* Broadband Internet connection required for online services and to validate Edition Subscription (if any) on an ongoing basis

Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Design Premium ESD Part 01 Download
Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Design Premium ESD Part 02 Download
Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Design Premium ESD Part 03 Download
Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Design Premium ESD Part 04 Download
Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Design Premium ESD Part 05 Download
Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Design Premium ESD Part 06 Download
Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Design Premium ESD Part 07 Download
Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Design Premium ESD Part 08 Download
Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Design Premium ESD Part 09 Download

Friday 3 June 2011

Windows XP 7 Black Edition


Windows XP SP 3 is looked like Windows 7 and it's include a
Windows XP SP3 multi driver modification to
windows seven 2010.
Windows Se7en XP Black Edition 2010- Cyber Se7en Black Edition theme
- Cpls
- Cursors
- Fonts
- Wallpapers

Software already include on this ISO :
All driverpacks are included:
DriverPack Graphics A 8.12.1
DriverPack Graphics B 8.12.1
DriverPack Graphics C 8.12.1
DriverPack LAN 8.12.1
DriverPack Mass Storage 9.01
DriverPack Sound A 8.05
DriverPack Sound B 8.05
DriverPack WLAN 8.06
DriverPack CPU 8.04
CCleaner 2.21.940
dfxWMP (for more voice in WMP11)
DirectX 9.0c
Flash Player 10 IE/FF
IconPackager 3.2
Internet Explorer 8
Java(TM) 6 Update 15
Messenger Plus for WLM 9
Mozilla Firefox 3.5.0
NetFramework 2.0
Silverlight 2.0
Winrar 3.80
Ueber icon 1.0.4
Windows Media Player 11
Windows Live Messenger 9.0
Yahoo 10

Download Windows XP Se7en Black Edition 2010 MF
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7

Windows XP Black Edition


XP Black

Windows XP Pro Black Edition 2007 With SP3
Already included software :
* Acrobat 8.0
* WindowBlind 5.04 Enhanced
* TuneUp Utilities 2007 English
* Microsoft Java VM Build 3809
* Sun Java 2 Version5.0.6 W/SP2
* IE 7 Final Activated
* Firefox 2
* Thunderbird
* Klite Codec Pack 2.80
* Window Media Player 11
* ZoneAlarm 6.5.737.2006 Pro
* Blindwrite By eXperience
* Nero 7.59 Lite * PowerIso
* Ultra Iso
* Fraunhofer IIs MP3 Code
* Quicktime Alternative
* Acrobat Reader
* WinRAR
* Windows Vista RTM sidebar

And more :
- Added Segoe Print and Segoe
- Added more cool Gadgets
- Fixed Version Number in Add-Remove Programs
- Minor RegDLL Changes
- Now uses ProfileItems for QuickLaunch Shortcut
- Improved Installation process (No more RunOnceEx Box)
- Fixed VAIO Shell Extension not registering
- Added Vista Calculator and Drive Info Gadgets
- Changed skin to Glass
- Quick Launch shortcut moved to UserProfile
- Systray Icon issue FIXED! - Added Calibri fonts
- Changed the Sidebar Skin to a much nicer one as you can see in the screenshot
- Changed Shortcut placement from All Programs to All Programs & Accesories


Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended Full Version + Keygen & Patch



Finally there come a software that the desaigner wait for a long time & for You who like edit a picture & photo.
After succes with CS4 version now comes Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended.

Because I'm PENASARAN, I,m gogling everywhere and I found how to make this FULL VERSION.
If You want this software, please follow the instruction how to download and how to install it.
Fistly download the Adobe Photoshop here
How to download from the Adobe site :
1. Press DOWNLOAD NOW button
2. Register with click the sign up button or if You already registered just click sign in button.
3. Then will come new
window "AKAMAI"
4. Press the download link and wait until the procces is done.
5. After download is finished DO NOT CLICK THE INSTALL BUTTON

*Download the serial number
And how to install if You need
*Then this is the keygen and  the patch

NB : If it ask for password just type yerry-

Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 With Keygen FULL



Now I bring a software
product from Adobe again, the name is Adobe Dreamweaver.
Adobe Dreamweaver is a software which the function is to make,
desaign and edit an html, javascript and xml document.

For example, if You want to make Your own blog template or You want to edit the exist template on the web as Your wish, this is the sollution.
Adobe Dreamweaver is the newest software from
Adobe, so this is the newest product.

The Software can be download here...


Plus the KeyGen... Download disini.

Hope this help...

Thursday 2 June 2011

Term of Services

1. No Porn.
2. No place for 'Sailor Mouth'. If I know, it will be delete automatically.
3. If You want to request/critic and suggest something, just post on Fan Page Facebook.
4. If You want to copy a post from this blog, just PM via e-mail.

ISO Harvest Moon Back To Nature English & Indonesia

English Version
Harvest Moon: Back to Nature is a video game in the farm simulation series Harvest Moon, developed by Victor Interactive Software. It is the only Harvest Moon game developed for the PlayStation, as well as the first Harvest Moon game for a non-Nintendo console. Characters from Harvest Moon 64 were transferred to be the characters in this game, although with new lifestyles, personalities, and relatives, including the wooable girls from Harvest Moon 64 (Ann, Elli, Popuri, Maria [known as Mary], and Karen).

Versi Indonesia
Harvest Moon: Back to Nature adalah sebuah permainan video game yang berisi tentang simulasi perkebunan. Merupakan salah satu seri permainan video-game Harvest Moon, yang juga merupakan satu-satunya seri Harvest Moon untuk Playstation. Game ini dikembangkan oleh Victor Interactive Software.

Karakter dari Harvest Moon 64 kebanyakan berpindah ke game ini, meskipun dengan gaya hidup baru dan karakter baru, termasuk pula dengan gadis yang bisa dinikahi (Ann, Popuri, Maria (dikenal sebagai Mary), dan Karen.



